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Re: COMMENT: Cookie dough (fwd)

If anybody is interested, and hasn't taken the time to look at their
cookie file yet, Netscape gives their rationale/excuse for cookies at
http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.htm.  This URL can be
found in your Netscape cookie file.  On a related note, I editted my
cookie.txt file (under WinNT), clearing all entries, saved, and then made
the file read only.  So far I have not had any more entries added, which
is a nice feeling.  I would get a little nervous if the browser were to
change attributes on a file to add that sort of information.


    Benjamin Tomhave		|   Shell to DOS...Come in DOS...Do you Copy?
    Luther College		|
    Decorah, IA 52101		|   $ rm * .*    "Hey, where'd everything go?
    tomhavbe@martin.luther.edu  |
				|   What's an ID-10-T error? :)

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